Organic Lawn Care For the Cheap and Lazy

Lawn care in a nutshell:

Must do:

Set your mower as high as it will go (3 to 4 inches).

Water only when your grass shows signs of drought stress and then water deeply (put a cup in your sprinkler zone and make sure it gets at least an inch of water).


Fertilize with an organic fertilizer in the fall and spring. I recommend the Ringer brand.

Have the pH of your soil professionally tested. Add lime if it is below 6.0 and gardener’s sulfur if it is above 7.0.

How much top soil do you have? See how deep a shovel will go into the soil. How deep can you dig a hole in one minute? Four inches of topsoil will make for an okay lawn. Eight or more inches of topsoil will make for a great lawn.

via Organic Lawn Care For the Cheap and Lazy.

How to Practice Sustainable Lawn Care |

Sustainable lawn care is important both for the environment and your wallet. Everyone wants to have the greenest lawn on his or her block – but at what cost? Continuously applying fertilizers to your yard is bad for the environment, costs you lots of money, and overtime is not good for your lawn. Likewise, over watering your lawn can be expensive and also does harm to your yard. Following a set of inexpensive maintenance tips for a sustainable lawn will help you save money, protect our environment and natural resources, and provides you with a healthy lawn overtime.

via How to Practice Sustainable Lawn Care |

Ridding your lawn of moles: What really works – MSN Real Estate

It’s spring, which means millions of proud American lawn owners will begin their annual battle against … the lowly mole.

The little bugger is a formidable enemy. An average mole, though weighing just 5 or 6 ounces, can dig up to 18 feet per hour through the less-dense upper soil of a lawn, studies have shown. And while moles don’t actually eat plant bulbs, as many homeowners think, the damage they can do is very real: Their tunneling in pursuit of insects and worms detaches the roots of grass, exposes soil so that weeds can root and, of course, creates the infamous molehills and lumpy lawns. (All those tunnels in your lawn are likely caused by only one or maybe two moles, since they’re unsociable creatures who don’t share space.)

via Ridding your lawn of moles: What really works – MSN Real Estate.

Gardening Guides Your Year Around Gardening Help and Resource

Spring still seems far away, but the days are getting longer and the sun’s strength is increasing. Spring is coming and within a few months from now our gardens will be filled with  fresh green spring hue of the foliage. We will enjoy the abundant of colors from our spring time and bulb flowers. How lovely will it feel to feel the sun’s warm rays on our skin?

via Gardening Guides Your Year Around Gardening Help and Resource.


Lawn care – Seed it, then leave it. Many commercial lawn chemicals have harmful ingredients. They make grass grow faster, requiring more mowing. They dry out grass, requiring more watering

Let a large part of the perimeter of your property go wild, to reduce mowing and provide a place to absorb yard waste and processed food scraps! See below.

Wood mulch is good for paths where you don’t want anything to grow, but it’s not good to put around trees, bushes, or plants.

Put food scraps through a blender with plenty of water, if you are going to toss them into your wilderness area.


Composting is one more effective way to be more efficient in how you deal with waste from your home.

If you need help with effective and efficient ways to care for your lawn, contact Steve White and his crew at Second Nature Lawncare.  They know all the right steps to get your lawn into shape after a long, hot summer.

Second Nature-Lawncare for the Privileged Grass

Fall Lawn Care Tips | Mowing | Fall Lawn Maintenance

The worst of the summer heat will have subsided soon. Refreshed by the thought of breathing cooler air, you’re poised to roll up your sleeves and do some fall lawn maintenance — in between carving pumpkins, of course! But you should read these fall lawn care tips first. The regimen right for your fall lawn care will vary, according to whether your lawn is composed of a warm season turf grass or a cool season turf grass. If you are unsure which type comprises your lawn, take a sample to your local county extension.

Fall Lawn Care Tip: Find Out Your Grass Type

Common cool season turf grasses include:





Among the common warm season turf grasses are:





To be sure, there will be some fall lawn maintenance you’ll have to do regardless of the type of grass on your lawn. Let’s look at these tasks first:

via Fall Lawn Care Tips | Mowing | Fall Lawn Maintenance.

Fall can be a great time to bring your lawn back to life.

dry lawn, second nature lawncare, williamson county tn

Many lawns, like mine, have dried up and been overtake by weeds and bermuda grass.  You can fight back and Second Nature can help.

Contact  Steve White at Second Nature to gain help on the issues mentioned in this article as well as many more.

Second Nature-Lawncare for the Priviliged Grass!

Have you started your lawn planning for the fall?

If you have Bermuda Grass and would like to have it removed, call us for an estimate now.  We will selectively spray the Bermuda out of your fescue lawn in preparation for seeding.  This needs to happen in august so act soon.  Call Today!

Prepare for fall Seeding today.  Remove your Bermuda grass in august in preparation for seeding time in September- October.

Second Nature Lawncare is the expert in eliminating Bermuda Grass and giving you that beautiful, carefree lawn you have always wanted.

Contact  Steve White to learn more.

Second Nature-Lawncare for the Privileged Grass!

Are you losing the battle with Bermuda Grass?

Bermuda Grass; if you are not a golf course owner or a baseball diamond turf specialist in the southeastern United States you hate the stuff.

Does your yard look like this?

If it does, or even if it is close, now is the time to call the experts at Second Nature Lawn Care, located in Thompson’s Station, TN.


Steve White  and his crew make Crabgrass cringe.  One call and they can take a photo like the one above and make your yard look like this:


Second Nature:  Lawn Care for the Privileged Grass

second nature


DIY: Ten Fall Perennial Garden Favorites – Danny Lipford

As the trees begin to show their leaf color, the stage is set for fall-blooming perennials to strut their stuff. Spring may get most of the attention in the gardening world, but don’t forget to include an autumn show in your perennial garden.

Many fall-blooming perennials add to the traditional autumn color palette with reds, yellows, oranges, and purples, but that’s not all. There are also plenty of choices in pink, blue, white, and lavender for a softer look.

Here are some fall-blooming favorites to consider:

via DIY: Ten Fall Perennial Garden Favorites – Danny Lipford.

Thanks to Danny Lipford for providing this information.

Flowers are a great addition to any yard and fall is a great time to make your law and landscape shine.

Danny’s article has some great suggestions.  Enjoy!

Fall is also a good time to help your lawn recover.  Call Steve White and the crew at Second Nature for help with your lawn.  They are experts with clients throughout Williamson County and Middle Tennessee.

Second Nature:  Lawncare for the privileged grass.

Best Crepe Myrtle Pruning Time: When To Prune Crepe Myrtle

Though pruning a crepe myrtle tree is not necessary to the health of the plant, many people do like to prune crepe myrtle trees in order to neaten the look of the tree or to encourage new growth. After these people have decided to prune the crepe myrtle trees in their yard, their next question is normally “When to prune crepe myrtle trees?”

This question on crepe myrtle pruning time has a different answer depending on why you wish to prune a crepe myrtle tree. Most likely you are either pruning for general maintenance or to try to coax a second bloom out of the tree in one year.

via Best Crepe Myrtle Pruning Time: When To Prune Crepe Myrtle.

If you read the rest of this article you will also learn that “deadheading” could give you a second round of blooms on your plant.  I’ll leave the details to you when you read the article.

For more advice regarding your lawn or other common trees and shrubs just call Steve White at Second Nature Lawncare.  Second Nature is the leader in lawncare in Franklin and Middle Tennessee.

Second Nature:  Lawncare for the Privileged Grass