Posts Tagged ‘composting’


Lawn care – Seed it, then leave it. Many commercial lawn chemicals have harmful ingredients. They make grass grow faster, requiring more mowing. They dry out grass, requiring more watering

Let a large part of the perimeter of your property go wild, to reduce mowing and provide a place to absorb yard waste and processed food scraps! See below.

Wood mulch is good for paths where you don’t want anything to grow, but it’s not good to put around trees, bushes, or plants.

Put food scraps through a blender with plenty of water, if you are going to toss them into your wilderness area.


Composting is one more effective way to be more efficient in how you deal with waste from your home.

If you need help with effective and efficient ways to care for your lawn, contact Steve White and his crew at Second Nature Lawncare.  They know all the right steps to get your lawn into shape after a long, hot summer.

Second Nature-Lawncare for the Privileged Grass