Posts Tagged ‘pests’

Ridding your lawn of moles: What really works – MSN Real Estate

It’s spring, which means millions of proud American lawn owners will begin their annual battle against … the lowly mole.

The little bugger is a formidable enemy. An average mole, though weighing just 5 or 6 ounces, can dig up to 18 feet per hour through the less-dense upper soil of a lawn, studies have shown. And while moles don’t actually eat plant bulbs, as many homeowners think, the damage they can do is very real: Their tunneling in pursuit of insects and worms detaches the roots of grass, exposes soil so that weeds can root and, of course, creates the infamous molehills and lumpy lawns. (All those tunnels in your lawn are likely caused by only one or maybe two moles, since they’re unsociable creatures who don’t share space.)

via Ridding your lawn of moles: What really works – MSN Real Estate.